3 Essentials For Your Family Health
In this article you will find the 3 essentials for your family health. To get you eating better, moving more and building deeper connections.
A program for family health that encompasses a healthy diet, an exercise regime and of course a sense of happiness and togetherness is crucial for family and child growth and development.
One thing is to get a Personal Trainer personalise training for an individual but how effective is that individual at transferring all that knowledge to the next.
When your Personal Trainer says something like “you need to cut calories to lose weight”, how do you think the child is going to respond to that?
Most likely with something unrelated about their day at school…
Health is both personal and community based. Kids of all ages need to understand that health is something that will carry on throughout their whole life. It just needs to be explained at different and varying degrees.
It’s more of a slow transformation than a strict and radical change.
The benefit of having someone who is very close to them explain the knowledge in the best way that they understand is going to be the most effective.
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that children need to learn how to talk about healthy eating habits and how to functionally apply them to a real world setting with their parents.
A program focusing on family health is going to help develop healthy lifestyles, improve skills and create a positive environment for the family.
Here are the 3 essentials you need to a family health program;
Family Health Nutrition
Family nutrition is crucial for family health. It’s about ensuring that you are eating high quality food from a range of sources.
Family health is not about being tied up in the nitty gritty of complicated recipes and foods. It’s about ensuring that there is a range of colours and flavours that will test and challenge your kids’ tastebuds and also integrate in healthy habits. See my article on the essentials to get your family comfortable in the kitchen.
It’s one thing to tell them what to eat, but to teach them so that they remember is something else.
Family Health Exercise
Also known as ‘movement’ or ‘being active’. There is no secret that being sedentary is going to create an unhealthy lifestyle. We need to create more movement.
We need to be able to create purposeful and non-purposeful exercise. Purposeful exercise is when you are planning it, for example, playing sport or going to the park and doing a bodyweight program and kicking a ball.
Non-purposeful exercise is going for a stroll, walking up the stairs rather than the escalator.
Both are essential.
Family Health Togetherness
There is a reason I don’t like the term Personal Trainer, which is essentially my job title.
I like to think of myself as more of a Full Tribe Health Coach. We live as an individual but we work together as a tribe. We are only as strong as the weakest link and I believe that we should always be looking after each other. There are definitely times we need to have our “alone time” and also our personal goals, but our personal goals are always going to be most effective when we align them with those around us.
Our program is based around building close connections with one another. The best lessons and the most memorable memories are always when we are together. So why shouldn’t a program account for that.
A program for family health should support one another and also account for individual goals. A program should teach and educate at all levels and knowledge bases to build a healthy relationship with food, exercise and each other.